
Would You Like To Play A Game?

Hi! My name is Jon (aka Megahertzs) and I’m an aspiring video game developer who makes YouTube tutorials on what I’ve learned using Unity and Bolt Visual Scripting! If you’ve got aspirations to make video games like me, then let’s learn how together! You can check out my channel by clicking the YouTube image below!

My Channel

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If you become a sponsor on Patreon, you will have direct access to my personal Discord Server where you can get help with my published tutorials, or even make suggestions for future ones! If you would like to help support my channel and ensure that these tutorials stay free for everyone, you can become a patron by clicking on the Patreon image below!

Local Multiplayer in Unity w/ Visual Scripting & New Input System

Are you frustrated yet? If so, join the club! Unity Visual Scripting (formerly Bolt) was supposed to make our lives easier, and yet, if you’re like me, you’ve entered into a love hate relationship with Visual Scripting. You love it, but it seems to hate you! This couldn’t be more obvious in the lack of…

Enemy AI – Part I: Melee Enemy

Welcome to the Enemy AI Section of my Complete 2d Player Controller Series! A functional Enemy AI has been the most requested tutorial series on my channel, and thanks to the poking, prodding, and pleading of my Patreon supporters, I decided to bring this tutorial series to you. Disclaimer Before we get started with this…

How To Add Coyote Time To Your Jump (Without Code)

Introduction If your friends walked off a cliff, would you do it too? Unfortunately, in the real world if we ever step off that cliff, we won’t have time to correct our mistake and would have about 3 seconds to live with the poor decision. Fortunately for our players, we as game designers can control…

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